how much are 200 benson and hedges in france?
2006-09-05 11:59:37 UTC
how much are 200 benson and hedges in france?
Six answers:
2006-09-07 10:46:01 UTC
Give up now it is bad for your health!!!! Plus you will save money!!!
2006-09-05 12:02:48 UTC
Im currently living in Germany and 200 cigs are about 20 euros.
2006-09-08 01:15:46 UTC
the price is about 45 €/50 €
Dragon Empress
2006-09-05 12:02:18 UTC
Give me £50 to get a new passport plus travel money and I'll let you know when I get back!!!
honey lugs
2006-09-05 12:02:12 UTC
Don't know, never bought fags in France. Besides I quit two years ago.
2006-09-05 12:01:24 UTC
there not much cheaper than in the uk go for the french cigs they are much cheaper

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